nVIZ Motion Plugin Version 2020.2

Documentation for other Versions


Autodesk VRED provides two paths for maintaining plugins. Please identify the directory where you want to keep the nVIZ Motion Plugin. The paths are displayed in the VRED terminal window after launching VRED:

Download and execute the nVIZ Motion Plugin installer. After the installer has completed, you need to copy the two following files to your VRED plugins directory:


Please contact nVIZ to receive your license file. The license file needs to be copied to the directory:

After installation, the nVIZ Motion Plugin can be launched from the context menu like any other VRED module – right click on the Main Tool Bar or on the Quick Access Bar:

Test Drive

The Test Drive tab provides functionality for interactive virtual test driving in the VRED scene with the nVIZ VTD Server software and the nVIZ Seat Buck.


The Replay tab provides functionality for replaying test runs in the VRED scene based on existing results files from vehicle dynamics simulations.

Vehicle Rig

Each node of the VRED scene, which is to receive a transformation from the vehicle dynamics solver, needs to be specified in the vehicle rig. The plugin loads a default vehicle rig when launched from:

This file can be edited to your needs. If you choose to edit it, keep a copy of your file version because an update of the plugin will overwrite the file.

Traffic Rig (Beta Version)

In the version 2019.5, support for the traffic elements is added. Any type of traffic element can be added in the IPG CarMaker and the speed and maneuver can be defined there. Currently, we support a maximum of 10 traffic members that must be named VTD00 to VTD09. Traffic members are supported in live mode as well as replay mode.

For replay mode, please make sure to use the correct “OutputQuantities” file to extract all the required values from the IPG CarMaker simulation. The file needs to be copied to the {CarMaker Project Directory} -> Data -> Config. This file is provided with the installer of nVIZ Motion Plugin as well as nVIZ Virtual Test Drive Server. Please find the file under:

For the live mode, translational and rotational quantities of these 10 traffic members will be subscribed by VTD Server and passed on to Motion Plugin. The motion plugin will decode the quantities and apply the transformations to the nodes defined under the “Traffic Rig” tab. The default rig file is found under:

Camera Rig

The camera rig tab controls the movement of the camera relative to the vehicle’s sprung mass while animating the test drive.


Exchange IPG Road and VRED Scene

This tab provides functions to create the road surface data for IPG CarMaker from the polygon surfaces in the VRED scene.

Create Path from Picked Points

This function allows you to pick a path in the VRED scene to be used for the road definition.

Create Path on Polygon Surface

This function will calculate a path on a polygon surface, defined by the polygon edges, for the road definition.

Create Path with Transform Tool

This function allows you to record path points for the road definition while moving the VRED transform tool.


Using CarMaker Sensors (Beta Version)

Since Version 2019.5, support for the different types of sensors that can be defined in IPG CarMaker is also added. The sensors can be defined and configured in the IPG CarMaker GUI and accessed in VRED scene. In order to keep it generic, nVIZ VTD Server subscribes to the “UserOut_xx” quantities (UserOut_00 to UserOut_09).

So theoretically, any sensor value can be written to a UserOut_xx quantity and accessed in the VRED scene. As an example, the following command can be used to get the distance between the vehicle and obstacles.

By using the above command in “Minimanuever Commands”, the specified quantity will be over-written to UserOut_00. So, it will be subscribed by nVIZ VTD Server and passed on to nVIZ Motion Plugin to make it available for user-defined scripts. The user-defined scripts can detect the values and trigger a warning light or sound etc. It gives total flexibility to the user.

UserOut_xx quantities can be accessed as the X direction transform on the nodes Root/UserOut_Quantities/UserOut_xx (if the default UserOut Rig is used). These nodes must be created in the VRED node graph before accessing them. An example script can be seen in the screenshot. It will keep on checking the value of UserOut_00 and print it on the screen if it is non-zero.